Matador - "Home - Alternative 2" instructions

Note: Before we get started, be sure that you have installed/activated the ThemeStockyard Essentials plugin (instructions here)

If you're short on time, you can skip these instructions, and simply copy the contents of this file. The following instructions provide a more thorough walk-through...


Like many pages within the Matador Demo, the "Home - Alternative 2" page relies on shortcodes. To get started with mimicking the look of that page, look for the "TS Shortcodes" button when editing your homepage. It looks like this:

image: shortcodes button

...and will be situated with the other buttons in the text editor. (Let me know if that button is not appearing for you.)

1st row of content

The first row of the "Home - Alternative 2" page is created with the "Blog Banner" shortcode. To get started, edit your homepage and follow these instructions:

  1. Click the TS Shortcodes button
  2. From the "Choose a shortcode" dropdown, select "Blog Banner"
  3. We didn't alter any of the default options, so click the "Add Shortcode" button when you're ready

2nd row of content:

  1. Within the text editor, press enter so that your cursor is on a new line
  2. Click the TS Shortcodes button
  3. From the "Choose a shortcode" dropdown, select "Blog"
  4. Our settings:
    • Blog Layout: 4 Column Grid
    • Posts per page: 20
    • Turn on Infinite Scrolling?: Yes (load more on scroll)
    • Show "read more" text: No
    • (all other settings were left untouched)
  5. Click the "Add Shortcode" button when you're ready

Next, we scrolled down beneath the text editor and chose the following settings under "General Settings":

Save changes

That's it! Please don't hesitate to use the contact form on our profile page or post in our support forum if you have any further questions.