Maddux - "Home - Alternative 1" instructions

Like many pages within the Maddux Demo, the "Home - Alternative 1" page relies on shortcodes. To get started with mimicking the look of that page, look for the "TS Shortcodes" button when editing your homepage. It looks like this:

image: shortcodes button

...and will be situated with the other buttons in the text editor.


The upper-most section of the "Home - Alternative 1" page is a slider - made with shortcodes

While editing your homepage, locate the TS Shortcodes button, click it and select "Blog Slider" from the "Choose a Shortcode" drop-down. Choose the following settings:

Next, we added the "Divider" shortcode with the following settings:

Next, we added the "Blog" shortcode with the following settings:

Next, we added the "Blog" shortcode with the following settings:

Next, we added the "Blog" shortcode with the following settings:

That's it! Please don't hesitate to use the contact form on our profile page or post in our support forum if you have any further questions.